Minister Asim highlights socio-economic achievements of Maldives at United Nations General Assembly

Addressing at the General Debate of the United Nations General Assembly, Minister Asim highlighted many aspects of social and economic progress enjoyed by the Maldives, under the stewardship of President Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom. Among others, he noted the progress made on gender equality, support provided for persons with disabilities & elderly, universal healthcare and progress in the area of health, affordable housing, achievements in education and investment on youth.

“Adopting a proactive and constructive stand is our approach. Sustained and targeted investment is our policy. Looking to cultivate a culture of respect for human rights, at home and abroad, is our goal. We believe we have been successful”, said Minister Asim.

In his address, Minister Asim also stressed on the difficulties faced by middle income countries such as the Maldives to access financing, for much needed large investment projects. According to Minister, this forces middle income countries, to go with commercial interest rates, increasing their debt burden and makes the transition, out of the middle income box to higher levels of development, all the more challenging. Minister Asim reflected on this speaking on the necessity of large scale investments to achieve higher growth. ‘Investments are not only a means to support our economic development, but a means to support our social development as well’ he said.