Winning a seat at the UNSC would upscale the country’s standard: Ali Naseer

March 06, 2018

The core objective to win a seat at the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) is to upscale the country’s standard in the international political fora, according to the Permanent Representative of the Maldives to the United Nations Dr. Ali Naseer Mohamed.

It would be one of the most memorable and proud moment for each Maldivian when the country win a seat at UNSC, Dr. Ali Naseer Mohamed said speaking on a programme aired on PSM News. Briefing on the efforts of the administration, Dr. Ali Naseer Mohamed said it would be a huge feat for a small island nation like Maldives to win a seat at the UNSC. The Maldivian top diplomat at the United Nations noted winning a UNSC seat would not only benefit Maldives but would benefit the Council as it would diversify and broaden its perspective.

Meanwhile, the administration has been successful in delivering the correct and factual information to the government of India regarding the State of Emergency declared in Maldives, Ambassador of Maldives to India Ahmed Mohamed said speaking on the programme. On this note, the Ambassador said Maldives and India share a time tested relationship and assured Maldives has full assurance that India would not intervene in the internal politics of the country. Highlighting that both nations have a non-intervention policy, he said both countries are developing bilateral relations and have maintained normalcy in it.

Furthermore, Maldives and Europe does not restrict its relations in one key area but have its relations extended in various fields, Ambassador of Maldives to the United Kingdom and the European Union Ahmed Shiaan said speaking on the programme. On this note, the Ambassador highlighted that European Union still regards Maldives as a key leader in fields such as environment and climate change but this is not publicised by most of the media outlets in Maldives.

Continuing on, Ambassador Shiaan revealed that he recently met with ambassadors of countries such as Czech Republic, Hungary, Bulgaria, Portugal and Spain and informed them of the current political situation in the country. In this regard, he said these countries did not have a clear picture of the situation in Maldives but revealed their solidarity in allowing Maldives solve its internal issues by itself.

The three diplomats were joined at the programme by Minister of Legal Affairs at President’s Office Azima Shakoor.
